Monday, January 13, 2014

Volunteers yourself for "Halla Bol Against Corruption" Steert Play in Bokaro

We am planning to start a "Halla Bol against Corruption" street play in Bokaro Steel City. I am looking for volunteers who can participate in this.



"Halla Bol Against Corruption" is a medium to bring about an awakening in the masses and create awareness among people how our corrupt politician is destroying our country and bring awareness to build new country and reclaim our Swaraj.



Street of Bokaro Steel City


What we need?

We need volunteers at least 15 for the following activities

1.       Visualizer of the theme and issues which is impacting people of Bokaro

2.       Story / Content / Dialog Writer

3.       Actors and Participants

4.       Banners and Content designers

5.       Logistics Support


Rehearsal and Play on the street on Each evening between 3PM to 7PM in all famous places in Bokaro Steel City and Nearest villages..


How to Enroll?

Please call me on 08105843520  or 9431379919 or send an email to



Jai Hind!!!

Rajesh Kumar

Volunteer of Aam Aadmi Party,

+91 8105843520 | Email | Web | Twitter | Facebook | Google+

Activity - AAP Karnataka and AAP Jharkhand


Aam Aadmi Party Bokaro | Aam Aadmi Party Dhanbad


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